I've decided I'm a rebel and I'm going to write what's on my mind occasionally. It may be about music. It may be about sports. It may be about how fucking itchy my neckbeard is during Noshavember. (it's really bad) Maybe I'll bitch about my life. That's probably the most popular topic for me. I'll always try to add an album, though.
This time I will relate to you my tale of how I discovered Okkervil River. I was born and raised in New Hampshire and was going back during Christmas vacation to see friends and family, but it pretty much ended up just being me playing Earthworm Jim in my bed because of the snow. Big deal. Well, when I reach the airport to go back home to North Carolina (you guys are totally going to rape me), the dude who checked in my bag told me, "Oh, Mr. Knoblauch, your flight seemed to leave at 8am this morning." Well shit. I asked him what I could do seeing as I had no money or a cell phone. His answer was that I could wait until 3pm when the next flight to Charlotte was. Man, I had 5 hours to kill in an airport with no money, no cell phone, no laptop. Okay, I'll take a nap on this uncomfortable bench with 5lbs of gum stuck the bottom. As I began to drift off listening to the sounds of screaming children and old people complaining, the baggage guy runs over to me and literally shakes me awake. Apparently, my flight was to take off in less than ten minutes. I get into a full-on sprint to security, hoping there would be a minimal amount of people in line, but alas, there was like ten school buses worth of ugly women and impatient businessmen. This was not a group that would take kindly to me cutting to the front of the line. As I stated earlier, I am a rebel. I pulled a
Glen Davis (skip to 1:19) and got my way to the front of line. Of course, once I go through the security gate, I set off something. It may have been my bomb belt or the grenades I had in my bag, but I had to go through this thing like five times before it shut it's gate mouth. Getting the gate was relatively easy; only a half mile sprint. I get onto the plane itself and look at my ticket to see that I have the 4th seat. Sweet! I sit down and pull out my book (Fountainhead. Yeah, I was a budding
capitalist Objectivist bitch at the age of 15). As soon as I open the first page, some old bitch, who coincidentally looked like Ayn Rand, throws a hissy fit. "This young hooligan has procured my seat in a fashion which is most undesirable!" We compare tickets and both of them seem identical. We call over the stewardess and she points out that I indeed have seat 14 and the 1 blended in with the line. Whatever, I'm not going to argue.
Okay, this story is literally not even half over and I'm gonna go to bed. I'll finish it tomorrow.
I'll leave you guys with my second favorite album, and where my blog's title comes from.
The Billionaires - Really Real For Forever